Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Change is Good

The Muir South Kettle Classic will be run on June 18, 2011. Overall the event will stay the same with 75, 50 and 25 mile events on the same wonderful trail system. This will allow for later start times making it easier and more economical to get the the venue without the need to camp or leave your house in the early early morning. More info to Follow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st you say "short laps" for 2011. Now you change the format all together. Nice. What's up with the change? Lastly, you must be exiting the WEMS series?

2:47 PM  
Blogger bmxmtbfam said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:41 AM  
Blogger bmxmtbfam said...

More will follow after the next WEMS meeting but I plan on keeping it in the series. Just changed hours to miles. That was the reason for the name change. The 75 may become 100 before long. lots of comments about a 100 would be better. Just calm down the race experience will stay the same at Muir.

12:32 PM  

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