Wednesday, November 29, 2006


So now the major union comes out against Wal Mart and Target for selling drugs for cheap. They predicts it will cost jobs in other sectors of the pharmaceutical industry. Let put that in real speak, We have been sitting on our bloated asses collecting big dues from you bitches and a two non union places of business are making us look like fat drunks at the church fair again So the UAW is ok with Walgreen charging 54 dollars for blood pressure meds that you can now get a Wally world for $4 - $9 bucks. Man I can't wait till Ford or GM files the big Chapter 11 and does away with the union contract and starts over.

Here is the FORD package you get if you worked just hard enough with your union to put your employer out of business right from the ap- The packages offered to employees with 15 -35 years $75,000 to $160,000 depending on their years of service, age and how close they are to retirement. The same package offered up to 4 years of tuition up to $15,000 per year, plus half of the workers' salaries and health benefits. Another option paid 70 percent of employees' salaries and tuition for two years and health benefits. Plus any bargained for Pension or lump sum binding agreements.

They only got 38,000 workers to take this package. Ford is offering paper to borrow 17 billion to pay for the buyouts. That the public will pay for in each auto they buy.

No wonder the UAW has no issues with the price of drugs in the US for there members.


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