Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I was southside, somehow not anymore

So I packed up the underlinings and the wife in the SUV and headed to Red Robin in the Southridge Parking lot. We were to meet the wife's parents for her dads birthday. We were early so we went into the mall. When the FUHHH did it become the cool thing to have your pregnant 15 year old walk around the mall looking for guys, daddies - whatever. If your a guy you know she puts out, just get ready to be the step daddy. Another thing just because you can wrestle into that shirt does not mean it is not OK to wear it. The best yet was the couple or Hoar moms dressed like a twins with the soon to be hoar daughter, seen a couple of those. The most pathetic was seeing the 30 something year old guy who has had his hand on his joystick for months at a time at the game store playing X box against a 6 year old and yelling "Yeeeesssssssss" when he beat the kid. I was sorry I looked into Fredrick's to see the plus size dummies with a Santa teddy on in the window. Perfect outfit for some of Russell's supermodels.

We got back to Red Robin, great food great service. So if you ever feel the need to people watch at Southridge I would recommend it.


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