Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Seasons Beatings

Well it has been a couple of days. I have been working on the,take every toy out of the mile of wire that holds them in the box forever and buying more AA batteries that a porn shop. We got a lot of nice stuff this year again. The kids scored a ton of toys so it is time to clear out some others and make a trip to GW. Mom got some real nice cat hair sweaters and some nice clothing and jewelry of course. Josh and I got new BMX pants and knee/shin guards. I got a few nice shirts and a new training partner

Yes he also takes 3 AA's

The kids got a few really cool Hot Wheels race tracks

That pile next to the cabinet is pure hell or I mean a bunch of new kids games.

The kids also got a basketball shooting game like a arcade would have its pretty cool. My best score so far was 65 points.

Well back to hanging new cloth and put a few more batteries in toys. Tomorrow I going to Menard's with the 15% off bag and getting more Batteries. We actually need D's for a toy.


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