Sunday, January 11, 2009

Now what do I do?

Some of you may already know that our son Josh has autism. At first it was a real heart breaker but after a while you learn to step up and take it on and try to just control any little piece of what is going on with his thoughts. I get most frustrated when you think you have something just about sorted out and bam you start all over again with the same task. Then I remember autism is something we can live with which is much better that some other aliments that can take a child away.
Well since no Autism treatments are covered by any insurance company in this country there is a program through medicare that funds a great portion of intensive in home therapy. Well after more that 2 years of waiting on that list for the medicare funding there is a open slot available. Here is my struggle right now. To be in the program you must complete 20 hours a week of in home therapy. Well Josh is at school till 4:00 ever day so that would leave about 3 hours per night and then take up most of Saturday. I know it should be great news that we finally have the chance to get in home help. However some of you have seen Josh every summer and know he has come along way from the non verbal no way looking at you child that always wanted to be by himself . Well today you can't stop him from looking or talking to you about a million things. You may only understand about 75% of what he is saying. So now I am thinking it would be a bad thing to take Josh's life away to force him to spend every night in the house. It amazing the amount of stuff we do that he would not be able to do anymore from bike rides to fishing after school. Any after school activity would be put on hold for more than a year and more that likely nothing more on Saturdays. I guess I really need more info on a plan to get 20 hours a week in.

Update: The diet and workout plan was put on hold with a horrible cold that settled in the body and caused a lot on pain and the need to take a lot of drugs to drive out. Back to the gym Monday.


Blogger Jay said...

Ken I would do the home help and then you can make up the fishing and riding in the many great years to come. You get the chance to make his life better now and it may not come along again. Who knows it may be the best after it all is done. Also if it doesn't workout can you stop it? Good Luck.

6:05 PM  
Blogger DIHAF? said...

Good point. Children's capacity to learn and adapt is at its peak and declines later. The ability to pick up a new language for example. Same might be true for his situation.

Like Jay says, you can always quit.

8:15 PM  
Blogger bmxmtbfam said...

Thanks guys

4:53 AM  
Blogger Spinninmud said...

The home help should come first. Time can always be made for the fun stuff but time should be set aside for his learning and done first.
He may not like it much now but when he gets our age he will thank you for it.
Its a hard choice to make because your making it for him but it will all be for the best.
Good luck.

10:09 AM  
Blogger DIHAF? said...

But I am no expert as to his needs.

My expertise lies in the area of Global Cooling, something I have been warning about for some time now. Where is my freakin' Nobel Prize?

12:05 PM  

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