Saturday, June 02, 2007

fire it up and get the torches

For anyone who thinks that walmart should unionize so cashiers and stockers can make a living wage are absolute f 'ing retards. Truly, why the f^&k should someone sweeping a box across a laser make 16 bucks an hour. This is just as f 'ed up as your employer giving you health care and a pension. So now they guy or gal busting their humps working going to school as apprentice should only make a few dollars more than a cashier at walmart. How long are the asshole at UAW going to keep paying jag offs to go on talk show telling the world these workers deserve a living wage. Its now wonder that the big three are dying. As long as all the union reps for UAW still keep their wages. Any want to guess if any officers have taken a cut in pay or benies now that there membership has dropped over 100,000 in the last 3 years with all the down sizing. No they didn't. Now they need cashier to start forking over $40 a month to support the great cause. Next the will be asking to get Subways unionized so sandwich makers can make a living wage. I know your retarded argument, "but walmart makes a lot of money". Well BP has made 5 times the profits of walmart in the last 48 months. Anyone think the cashier at your local gas station makes a living wage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention the BP cashier having to stand on the wrong end of a hand gun more often than any other career.
When I was 16 I made like a dollar over minimum to stand in front of that gun. When I looked at the gun close up from the wrong end, I demanded a raise. Since that didn't work, I quit. Next thing I did was build custom vans for the drug dealer owners of DMC. Now I'm part of a giant corporation, where there's more incompetence and waste than you can possibly imagine. Just like big government, incompetence and waste.

9:04 AM  

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