Sunday, December 30, 2007

after 100 years

Some words from a great women after 100 years.

Her birth certificate was hand written and stamped by the hospital.

She said her first home was 1100 dollar, she now pays a bit more a month for care and rent. My uncle said the home sold about 4 years ago for 225,000

Glad she received a letter from President Bush. She hates Democrats. She said all her life they have thought their job is to take money from the working class to support those that think they are owed something because they live in the USA. She said her parents came here with 3 dollars and a bag of clothes.

Things that she thinks have gone wrong in the last 100 years.

People stopped planting gardens.

Citizen have disconnected from their citizen government.

We forget that our fathers fought to protect and free people on our own soil. That is what got us where we are today but we forget that war.

All the people in this county illegally is bankrupting the health and education systems.

People take more vacations out of the country when we live in a beautiful county that they have not seen yet.

People are just to fat now a days.

Then she busted out teachers, I found out she taught for a while. She said that the job of a teacher is to teach the child. You take the kids you have and work to teach them no matter what. She said they had kids with no money, one parent that was dead or in the war or drunk all the time and so on. It was her job to do whatever to teach them the skills they needed. She feels teachers today just are in the class as book readers and paper graders. They do just what is needed to hand out the curriculum and cover it. They have found a 100 reasons why kids can't learn but they are never top on the list.


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