This is one is for tosa crosser since he feels the arts in this country get a bum rap. I stated the billions wasted on art. I was a wrong - it is a bunch of billions. The liberal ass that wrote the article in the globe even took a shoot at Regan for taking away the tax break to donate to the arts. So I really care about art only if it’s a tax break for me. Nice
Thursday, January 31, 2008 But Federal subsidy of the arts in our country accounts for only about 15 percent of the total budgets of established arts institutions, as compared to between 60 and 100 percent in more civilized nations. (The US gives about 9 billion and West Germany gives $26 billion just to the theater.) Still, in the mean-spirited climate bequeathed us by the Reagan legacy, in which the arts are impoverished along with the poor, in which philanthropy is discouraged by the new tax laws and in which corporate and foundation giving usually goes to special projects designated by the donor, the restricted percent contribution remains indispensable at a estimated $9 billion per year. Two paragraphs later Apparently freedom of expression remains a Federal guarantee - unless supported by Federal subsidy. A staff member to Senator D'Amato said that the Senator was ''absolutely opposed to censorship, but we are talking about taxpayers' dollars.'' (Half dollars would be more accurate: the Endowment's funding has been frozen at $70 billion for the next eight years.) But Senator D'Amato's concern is touching in one so deeply implicated in the burgeoning Federal housing scandal. Ok just waiting on the comment now on how much the war cost per day to justify pure tax payer waste. 70 billion over 8 years. I would rather see it spent in schools on books, without pictures.
Well I have been on a conference call the past two hours and have been looking at what the endowment has paid for or will be. What a joke this is a slush fund for pet projects. More than 3b of the money in 08 will go to upgrading the entire PEG (public, education, goverment TV) programming across the county to digital before the 09 deadline. Another 1 b will be release to communities for common area beatification. Then 1.6 b will be shifted to the National education budget for art appreciation. So I stand corrected the amount going to the arts is less than they make you think.